5 Most Common HVAC Problems

In the rush of everyday life, you might forget about the air conditioner in your home. You might feel that it gets warmer each day, even if the AC is turned on. One reason behind this is that your HVAC system has stopped working. This might be because it’s been used too much, or it might not be serviced and maintained as often as it should be. In this case, you should fix problems with your HVAC as soon as possible. Take a look at the five most common issues with air conditioning and ways to fix them.

The Air Conditioning Doesn’t Work at All

When your AC stops working, you won’t know about it. Before calling a professional, there are some things you can do to find and fix the problem. First, make sure your thermostat has batteries. Changing batteries is an easy thing to forget to do around the house. Since thermostats can be set and left alone, they are often overlooked. If the batteries are dead, you should get new ones. Then, make sure your thermostat is in the “cooling” setting. Also, make sure the temperature you want is right. You might have to reset the air conditioner’s circuit breaker if that doesn’t work.

HVAC Is Blowing either Hot or Warm Air

Few things are worse than an air conditioner that only blows out warm air. Make sure the thermostat settings haven’t been altered before you do anything else. If your thermostat is set right, the first thing you can do is change the air filter. Most problems with an AC, like coils that won’t turn on, are caused by old air filters that are clogged. Call your HVAC contractor and have your HVAC system inspected and fixed immediately.

You Have a Unit That Leaks

Some fluid and condensation do leak out of HVAC units. Leaking too much can be a sign of many different problems with many different solutions. Most of the time, leaking is caused by a condensate line being clogged. If you’re not sure how to perform it, talk to an HVAC contractor in your area. They can find the leak and perform the best HVAC repair solution for you.

Temperatures Are Not Even

Is someplace colder or warmer than other places? The problem could be caused by an air system that doesn’t work right. There are a lot of things that decide which parts of your home get the most attention from the HVAC unit. 

Some of these are the size of the room, the air vents, the windows, and the temperature outside. Make sure to cover large windows with drapes or blinds that block the sun. You should check the insulation in each room and add dampers to your HVAC system to help you control it. This will assist in better air circulation, making every room equal in temperature.

Your AC unit is very loud.

A properly working AC is a silent one. If your unit is loud, it means that your air conditioner is working hard to keep you cool if it sounds like it. When air conditioners break down, they make a lot of different sounds. If you are not a professional, it can be hard to tell what these are. If a belt squeals and screeches, it could be because it is broken. Rattling noises might be a problem with the motor, fans, or compressors. A good start is to check the thermostat and clean it up around the outside unit. But if you hear strange sounds, you’ll need an HVAC professional.