How to Get Your HVAC System Ready for Summer

Even though most of us take a break during the summer, that is the busiest time of year for the cooling components of your HVAC system. Here are some simple things you can do to get your air conditioner ready for summer and keep it working all season long. Get set to lessen your financial burden and enjoy greater ease. Read on if you want to know how to prepare your air conditioner for the summer.

Why Do You Need To Get Your Air Conditioning and Heating Ready for Summer?

Your air conditioner should never fail when you need it most during a scorching heat wave. After sitting idle for most of the year, your air conditioner probably won’t be up to full speed just because you flip a switch.

The purpose of A/C maintenance leading up to summer is to lessen the load on those parts. By decreasing the amount of heat energy the air conditioner must dissipate, you will see a decrease in your monthly energy costs.

Clean Filter and Vent

It’s not too late to start your spring cleaning if you haven’t already. Prepare your air conditioner for the summer heat by clearing the air ducts of dust, debris, and anything else that could potentially block the passage of cool air.

Every homeowner should make the quick and cheap replacement of air filters a top priority in their home maintenance routine. When it’s hot outside, dirty air filters make it difficult for your air conditioner to do its job by decreasing the airflow. Once a month, or more often if necessary, check and replace your air filters.

You shouldn’t just change your air filter but also clean the vents in your home to provide the cleanest possible airflow. Keep air circulating freely by dusting vents once or twice a week.

Remove Debris From Outdoor Areas

Before you can get out and enjoy the summer weather, you’ll need to change the air filters in your indoor unit and do any necessary maintenance on your HVAC unit. Remove any debris, such as dead leaves and twigs, from the ground around your unit. This will ensure unrestricted airflow and head off any issues that may arise.

Before turning on the cold air, ensure the outdoor AC unit has not been covered with a blanket or lid for the winter season. Failure to do so may result in undesirable and costly HVAC repairs.

Your Home Needs Sunblock Too

When the summer sun is high in the sky, you may help keep your home cool by installing energy-efficient windows, hanging blackout curtains, and properly sealing doors and windows.

Your air conditioner will run more efficiently due to these measures, reducing your monthly energy costs.

Stick-on reflective film is a more budget-friendly option for sun protection.

A smart thermostat is fantastic since it can learn your routine and adjust the temperature when you’re away or when the weather outside gets cold.

There will be an initial cost associated with taking these measures, but you will save money and get more use out of your HVAC system in the long run.

Hire a Certified HVAC Contractor.

You now have a good idea of the do-it-yourself preparations that can greatly improve the efficiency of your air conditioner this summer. It would be best if you talked to HVAC experts in your area to ensure everything is taken care of.

The best approach to keep your system running smoothly and efficiently is to have a professional HVAC company tune it up every year. The HVAC technician’s duties include thoroughly cleaning, testing, and identifying any malfunctions or damage to the system.